The Toyota GR86/Subaru BRZ is a new welcomed addition in the currently diminished sports car market. Compared to the previous model, plenty of changes have been done, from the usage of a new boxer in-line four to a complete style makeover and a different handling characteristic.
Compared to the previous 2.0L FA20 unit, the FA24 has a displacement of 2.4L, improving the torque and power figures, all while removing the now-famous torque dip the GT86 had at around 4000 rpm. Currently, the GR86/BRZ has an output of 226 hp and 184 lb-ft of torque, from a naturally aspirated engine that’s also mounted on the Subaru WRX, Levrog, Outback, and Ascent but in a turbocharged fashion. Consequently, this FA24 unit still has a lot of room for additional tuning, the engine being quite over-engineered.
Despite all this newfound power, the GR86/BRZ didn’t pack too much extra weight, which coupled with the fantastic 53:47 weight balance and its new highly rigid chassis translates into a supremely tossable and agile sports car rivaling the staple roadster Mazda MX-5.
Compared to other sports cars and hot hatches on the market, like the Mazda MX-5, the legendary Honda S2000, the all-new Subaru WRX, the popular Honda Civic Si, or the precise Golf R, the GR86/BRZ performs as well and even better. It beat the Mazda MX-5, Mk 7 Golf R, or the Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye around the Dunnville Autodrome. However, in a straight line, the only car listed above that wins against GR86/BRZ is the WRX, which sports all-wheel drive, and the supercar-tramping Hellcat Redeye.
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车轮是在任何车辆上完成的首批改装之一。作为汽车爱好者,我们一直在努力寻找完美的车轮和车轮配件。我们帮助客户挑选了 BCForged 制造的一套新的定制锻造轮毂。 使用定制车轮使我们能够将车轮指定为理想的车轮配件。 BCForged 还有大量不同的款式和饰面可供选择。 我们选择了 Monoblock 系列中的 RZ23。该车轮由一块实心 6061-T6 铝锻造而成。这创造了一个非常轻巧但坚固的车轮。较少的簧下重量使悬架可以更轻松地将轮胎保持在地面上,进而转化为更大的抓地力。 车辆:2021 BMW X5 xDrive45e 车轮:BCForged RZ23 P.C.D:5H112 尺寸:F:21x10.5。...
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是的,您没看错,您可以更换 Tesla Model 3 中的机油,但这并不是您在更换 ICE 车辆中通常想到的机油。让我解释一下: 您 Tesla 中的电动机(驱动装置)使用油来润滑和冷却齿轮减速器和差速器。油还充当冷却剂,以去除定子和转子的热量。这些行为会使油降解,使其润滑效果降低。我们已经采集了油样并将其发送到 Black Stone 实验室进行分析。一旦我们得到结果,我们将更新此博客。 我们在 2020 Tesla Model 3 Performance 上进行了这次换油(如果型号/年份不同,结果可能会有所不同)...
/ 发表者: The Driveway
连杆轴承故障是一个神话吗? 如果您是 E46/E9x M3、E60 M5 或 E63 M6 的新所有者或潜在买家,您可能已经做过一些研究并听说过臭名昭著的“杆轴承”故障。当车主不允许受赛车启发的发动机正常预热,导致缺乏润滑时,就会发生这些故障。根据我们的经验,正确预热发动机将使高粘度 10W-60 油能够润滑包括杆轴承在内的所有机械部件。除非您是第一个拥有者,否则很难知道发动机是否在每次启动时都已正确预热。已报告了各种型号年份和里程数的故障。好消息是,只有一小部分业主报告了此类故障。连杆轴承服务通常作为预防性维护,让购买二手车的新车主高枕无忧,因为没有简单的方法可以了解轴承的当前状况。 这辆 2006 M5 的车主买了这辆车,并被告知连杆轴承已经完成,但没有任何文书工作作为证明。当我们潜入汽车时,我们揭示了所发生事情的真相。 客户收到了 Vanos Control 和 Misfire...