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Tesla Model S Plaid Carbon Ceramic Brake Kit

Tesla has just released their Carbon Ceramic Brake Kit for the Model S Plaid 2021+ This kit is a must for any Plaid owner who is looking to do any high performance driving with their car. The stock brakes, while impressive, will overheat within a few laps on a race track. 

Tesla partnered with AP Racing for the brake calipers and Surface Transforms (ST) for the rotors. AP Racing is a well known company who makes calipers for many racing car series such as F1, DTM, WTCC, ALMS, and more. Surface Transforms is a UK-based company who specialize is making high-end carbon ceramic brakes. They make products for many performance vehicle such as Porsche, Ferrari, and Lamborghini. What makes the ST carbon ceramic rotor different from other rotors is the way they are made. ST layers sheets of carbon material and stacks it until it reaches a specific thickness is reached. This way of making a carbon rotor allows the rotor to be reconditioned later in the future and can be reused again to save money on the ownership of these rotors. 

We have made some measurements on this Brake Kit below:

Front Rotor
Dimensions:  410mm x 40mm 
Hat Size: 220mm
Hub Size: 70mm
Weight: 18.8lb
Min Mass: 8536g
Rear Rotor
Dimensions: 410mm x 32mm
Hat Size: 244mm
Hub Size: 70mm
Weight: 13.8lb
Min Mass: 6180g

Front Caliper w/ Pads Weight: 18.8lb

Rear Caliper w/ E-Brake & Pads Weight: 23.0lb

Tesla Carbon Ceramic Brakes Plaid 2021+ Model STesla Carbon Ceramic Brakes Plaid 2021+ Model STesla Carbon Ceramic Brakes Plaid 2021+ Model S RearTesla Carbon Ceramic Brakes Plaid 2021+ Model S RearTesla Carbon Ceramic Brakes Plaid 2021+ Model S FrontTesla Carbon Ceramic Brakes Plaid 2021+ Model S FrontTesla Carbon Ceramic Brakes Plaid 2021+ Model STesla Carbon Ceramic Brakes Plaid 2021+ Model S Surface Transforms

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