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Why WPC treatment is Important

There aren’t many ways to improve an already fabricated part. Most of those that exist are either laborious, complex, change fit or a myriad of other issues. Often, it’s simply cheaper to get a quality semi-finished product and manufacture it to the desired specification. However, WPC Treatment, a metal thermal treatment, allows buyers to enhance existing parts without going to such extreme lengths.

Wide Peening and Cleaning Treatment (WPC Treatment) works by firing minuscule particles at great speeds at a targeted surface. When said particles collides with the object, a very small heat spot will develop locally that will cool rapidly. That’s enough to apply a thermal treatment to the surface, which also strengthens the product in the process.

As such, a WPC Treatment isn’t a coating. You aren’t coating, painting, or dipping the part in anything. You’re basically sanding the product down with infinitely small particles, with the purpose of heating the part and not to give the item a shine or extra roughness.

The treatment is incredibly fine, so fine in fact that you can’t see it unless you’re using a microscope. It changes the metal crystals, which barely reach five hundred thousandths of an inch. As such, WPC cannot change or alter the tolerances and fit of most parts.

WPC Treatment can only be applied to steel or copper, for a variety of parts, from pistons, gears, or connecting rods. Our BMW E92 M3 rod bearings were recently WPC treated, and we’ll install them in the near future.


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